August 10, 2020

Google TechTalk: Dave ​P​ensado and Herb ​T​rawick of “Pensado’s Place

Dave ​P​ensado and Herb ​T​rawick of “Pensado’s Place” visit Google to give TechTalk called “The Humanity of Digital​” ​​: what differentiates successful products in the modern marketplace​ – now​ and in the future​?​
August 7, 2020

Recording: Drums, what difference does the room make?

Everyone agrees that when you’re tracking drums, the room makes a difference — but with so many other variables in play, identifying its specific contribution can be tricky. Enter producer Tommaso Colliva, drummer Alex Reeves, and a unique experiment. This experiment was recorded and produced by Tommaso Colliva Drums by Alex Reeves
July 20, 2020

Seafern Subsidence

Seafern. Glasgow, Scotland based duo. Bittersweet melodies, hard-hitting lyrics interlaced with intricate guitar. Debut single ‘The Seed Beneath the Snow’ released April 2019 and used in the trailer for The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilisation? and and the short film Trifle in work. Follow up EP Subsidence due for release summer 2020
July 6, 2020

Cultural and heritage organisations to be protected with £1.57 billion support package.

Music venues, galleries, theatres, museums and heritage sites are getting massive £1.57 billion support package as grants and loans. Funding to restart paused projects will also help support employment, including freelancers working in these sectors.