FREE 60 second mastering demo of your song

If you're not sure if our audio mastering service is right for you, go ahead and get a FREE 60 sec mastering demo of your song!
We know that music is personal, emotional and dear to our hearts especially when you’re the artist. The creator.
That’s why we are able to offer you a free 60 second demo of your song fully mastered to the highest standards with loads and loads of love for high fidelity audio.
Get a FREE 60 second mastering demo of your song!
How does it work?
Simply fill in the form, confirm your email and you’ll get full instructions on how to send us your song for mastering.
Once you’ve sent the song we’ll put all of our efforts in to make it sound fantastic on every playback system and send the 60 second demo back to you.
If you’re happy with the demo you get from us you can place your order for the full track and we’ll send you the full song along with additional file formats (Spotify/CD/mp3).
Sound good? It sure does! So fill in the form and let’s get your track mastered.

What can you expect from mastering?
increase in overall dynamics
correction in mix deficiencies
removal of unwanted noise
more focused low end
more crispy and airy high end
- improved panorama spectrum
- event out songs levels
- well planned space between songs
- musical fades between songs
- more punch and depth
- CD text input (artist,album,song)
- ISRC (international standard recording code)
- duplication ready delivery
- songs meeting industry standards
- music sounding great on every device
Mastered song for CD (44/16)
Mastered song for iTunes/Spotify (48/24)
Mastered song for web (mp3)
Unlimited revisions for 30 days
ISRC coding
Feedback and mix advise
Audio mastering samples

Will Langston (Indie) Before After Mastering
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Tom S. Ray Audio mastering sample – Will LangstoneIndie We’ve started to work with Will in 2016 when he

Deadloch (Electronics) Before After Mastering
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Tom S. Ray Audio mastering sample – Deadloch Electronics Deadloch has been prominent musicians on Scottish electronic music scene.

J. Sands, Lone Catalysts (Hip Hop) Before After Audio Mastering
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Tom S. Ray J. Sands (Lone Catalysts), BUKA EntertainmentHip Hop J. Sands is a Pittsburgh hip hop legend. Member

Fawkes (Rock) Before After Audio Mastering
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Tom S. Ray Audio mastering sample – FawkesIndie Very talented Scottish three-piece rock band. Guys been in touch with

Laura Farrow (Folk) Before After Audio Mastering
Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Tom S. Ray Audio mastering sample – Laura Farrow Acoustic folk-pop Prior to get her CD manufactured, Laura worked

GIWHA (Soul, RnB) Before After Audio Mastering
Last Updated on March 2, 2021 by Tom S. Ray Audio mastering sample – GiwHa R&B Multi-instrumentalist, producer, singer and writer from Brighton. Very talented man.

November 12, 2021

December 16, 2020

November 16, 2020
How to Order

Place your order
Place your order by clicking on the "order" button in the section above at your desired quantity and follow the checkout procedures (you can use a card or Paypal)

Send us your mix
After placing your order you'll get order confirmation email sent to your inbox. Reply with download link to your mixes and any additional notes you might have.

Get great master
Once we get your files our engineer will get in touch with you if he needs any extra info and to start the mastering process. It usually takes 2-5 days to finish masters.

Our Mastering Engineer
Tom S. Ray is our main mastering engineer and he leads the team here in Glasgow. He’s been mastering music for over a decade now. Everything from blues, rock and metal to techno, hip hip, folk and even bagpipes!
He has a bachelor with honours in music from Kingston University in London and has been lecturing mastering to students in Edinburgh College as well as to his online students via his online course – Mastering Mastery.

Free eBook
There are so many untapped ways to earn money from your studio. Download our FREE eBook and discover ways to bring in new clients and reconnect with the existing ones. Get this eBook delivered instantly to your email inbox. For free. Written by Tom S. Ray.
1. What is audio mastering?
Audio mastering is a process of getting a FINAL MIX processed using various different audio processors to enhance, balance, fix a mix and get it ready for broadcasting using industry standards guidelines. Audio mastering focuses on stereo output of the mixed song.
2. How should I prepare my mix for mastering?
Your mix should be created in the same frequency your project has been mixed. If you have mixed in 48kHz or 96kHz, do not convert to 44.1kHz. Do not convert 44.1 kHz up to any higher resolution as it will only add zeros and won’t change audio quality. Provide files in either .wav or .aiff format. Make sure that at the highest peak the song does not hit 0dB and if it does, drop the level and bounce again. I would advise to leave -6dB headroom.
3. Should I use any effects on master channel eg. normalize or peak limit prior to mastering?
Do not use any effects such as limiting, clipping, etc. on you stereo output track. Normalizing functions in audio workstations can actually degenerate the quality of your audio. If you feel you need to run a compressor on the mix buss but you’re unsure, bounce out two versions: with and without it. Listen with the compression switched in and out but compared at equal levels. It’s possible you may slam it too hard, or the attack or release may not be quite right. It’s very difficult to repair that kind of damage to your audio files.
4. Do you do stem audio mastering?
Some audio mastering facilities do mastering by utilizing a separation of basic elements of your mix. Since these elements must still be mixed together at some point, technically-speaking doing this kind of work is actually a post-production mixing process. When you order mastering services from Tom S. Ray Audio Mastering you’re ordering true mastering work, meaning work is done on the final stereo mixdown. That is what constitutes actual audio mastering work. Most of the time our clients have mixes that have been done well enough that mastering work is all they need to get fantastic sounding tracks.
5. Why should I choose Audio Unity Group over another mastering studio?
Audio Unity Group is the only purely audio mastering studio in Glasgow, UK. but there are a number of reasons to choose the Audio Unity Group for your audio mastering. With years of experience on the highest-quality industry gear, I’ve mastered both the techniques and equipment in order to provide you with a superior service. Plus, you’ll pay a fraction of what you would at another mastering studio all while receiving exceptional service and attention to detail.
6. Will mastering help within the music industry?
Of course. Having your tracks properly mastered gives you massive advantage over the amateur artists not investing in the audio mastering process. Audio mastering will make sure your music is ready for international broadcasting as well as delivering outstanding experience to the audience.
7. How long does it takes to get my music mastered?
Delivery of the masters depends on the amount of songs and the work involved. 1 song takes usually 48 hours. 12 track album from 7 to 10 days.